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Building a Healthier Community

Welcome to the West Warwick Health Equity Zone!

The West Warwick HEZ is a collaborative made up of residents, organizations, businesses and town leaders who all envision a future where West Warwick residents are connected to each other with a sense of belonging and pride, and that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their best health. In this future, residents are connected to community resources that reinforce health and reduce isolation, countering stigma and fostering social cohesion so that residents can thrive in safe, resilient, and healthful families, neighborhoods, and communities.

Join us in our efforts to make a positive impact on the community and improve the health and well-being of all residents.

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Our Priorities

Food Access and Joyful Movement

The mission of the Food Access Workgroup is to end hunger in West Warwick. We are working towards this goal by establishing and maintaining healthy food access points in each ward with a focus on residents who are vulnerable and experiencing health issues. The Food Access team hosts a variety of community events throughout the year including: weekly Gardening Parties at the Thundermist Grows! Community Garden, monthly Orchard Days at the West Warwick Community Orchard, weekly West Warwick Farmers Market and more!

Housing and Transportation

In 2018, West Warwick residents asked WWHEZ to identify housing as a priority social determinant of health concern. At this time residents, local leaders, partner organizations and HEZ backbone staff came together to form the Healthy Neighborhoods workgroup. Since 2018 this group has been working to build community capital to ensure resources are available in West Warwick and expand the Trauma Informed and Recovery Oriented philosophy of home, health, community, and purpose. 

Overdose Prevention and Recovery

This workgroup has four main goals:

Primary Prevention: Move upstream to change the culture, increase awareness, and reduce stigma 

Harm Reduction & Rescue: People have Naloxone and bystanders know how and when to use it to save lives

Treatment: When people are ready for treatment, medically assisted treatment is available immediately and locally in West Warwick

Recovery: Build capacity locally to deliver recovery support services to individuals and families

Community Ambassador Spotlight

WWHEZ is recruiting Community Ambassadors! Community Ambassadors are WW residents who provide feedback on lived experiences in the community. Ambassadors learn new skills to create community change and empower others and are compensated $25 per hour for their work with us. 




Community Ambassadors also:

  • Participate in advocacy and professional development opportunities. 

  • Hold decision-making roles in all parts of the collaborative. 

  • Lead their own projects and Ambassador Workgroup.

  • And much more!

advocacy day.jpg

West Warwick HEZ

1229 Main Street

West Warwick, RI 02893





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